Obligatory Easter Post

What would any Christian blog be without a good Easter Sunday devotion?

Totally fine, actually. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m unspeakably grateful for the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us, and that He rose from the dead that we might be saved but…it wasn’t today.

Hear me out. I’m NOT hating on Easter. Not even a little. I love Easter. Usually. I just think I want Easter to be EVERY DAY. Or maybe I might be a little more “gung-ho” about Easter if not for the fact that the day changes every year. I mean, sure, it has to be on a Sunday, so I get that it’s not going to be the exact same day every year. However, it’s not even in the same MONTH. Because of that, I find it hard to celebrate it as an anniversary.

I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be celebrated. I’m not saying that people are wrong to celebrate it. I’m just saying it’s hard for me to wrap my head around a moving anniversary. I think I would be about to commit to the holiday a bit more sincerely if it were, say, the 2nd Sunday in April every year. Or something to that effect. Something stationary. As it is, Easter always comes flying out of left field at me like a ninja sneak attack. I don’t have the time to mentally prepare my heart and mind for worship as I do with Christmas (which while not the ACTUAL anniversary, is a consistant representation of the birth of Christ) or even just Sunday services.

I guess I just wish that I could get more into the spiritual side of Easter. I say my thank yous every day, but I feel like Easter is supposed to be an extra special day of thank yous. I just don’t feel it. I get into the commercialized side of things with my son, eggs and rabbits and candy. Just doesn’t feel very….resurrection day-ish to me.

I’m trying. I don’t feel like I’m “wrong” for how I feel about today because it’s not as though I don’t acknowledge the resurrection on other days. It’s just…I don’t feel like this day is more special than any other day. I wish I did, that I could somehow give thanks even MORE and EXTRA SPECIAL HARD AWESOME PRAISE in some way. But I haven’t figured out how yet.

Oh well. I don’t know how well my thoughts came out in words, but God knows my heart, and I know He will guide me if I’m open to Him and what He wants me to do about this.

In the meantime, here’s an adorable photo of my son with the stuffies the “Easter bunny” left in his basket in lieu of candy (he’s got at least 2 bunnies and a lamb, maybe all 3 bunnies).


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